Best Baby Violin Program

(3 years - 4 years)

This introductory violin class motivates young children by surrounding them with peers of similar age. Basic foundations such as note-reading, violin posture skills, and eventually solo performances, as well as the development of good musical habits and positive attitude towards music will be acquired during this course. Parents also form an instant bond with each other, as learning an instrument with your young child is fun and challenging at the same time!

Ms Charliah is an imaginative and creative teacher, who is truly gifted and teaches from her heart. She is always able to engage my child and captures her attention with many games and challenges, all designed to teach my child violin fundamentals in a very fun and lively way.

During our past 8 months with Best Music Academy, we’ve had opportunities to perform for the elderly, raise funds for a children’s playground and participate in school concerts. This helps to bring home the message to the children that becoming a good musician is more than just playing notes on the strings.

The ultimate accolade to the Best Music Academy must be from little Samantha after only 5 months of violin lessons, when she was asked by an adult what she wants to be when she grows up. Without any hesitation, she said: “I want to be a violin teacher.”
— by a mom, who’s learning violin alongside her 4 year old girl daughter